Hari Om all
I hope you've all enjoyed the summer and are now looking out your yoga mats and yoga clothes! This is a summary of the classes I'll be teaching, starting back in September.
Weekly classes
- MONDAYS - Gate 55 Sighthill – 16.30 -18.15. Class recommences Monday 4 September. This is a mixed class, adapted to suit all levels of experience (I hope) and with modifications suggested as necessary. It's quite a large hall so plenty of space. Phone or email me to book a place. Bring a mat if you have one and a light cover for the yoga nidra.
- TUESDAYS - NEW CLASS- Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs course (YHLB) 12 weeks - commences Tuesday 5th September - venue ChooseYOU Yoga and wellness centre, Carmondean Centre Road, Livingston EH54 8PT. A proven yoga programme, 30% better than “usual care”, for self-management of pain-relief, healing and long-term improvement of your back health. Gentle, effective, enjoyable. Small group classes; specific; individualized. Phone or email me to book a place.
- Currie Community High School - 19.15-21.15 a general hatha yoga class for more experienced students. Includes mantra chanting, asanas, pranayama, mudras & bandhas, relaxation and meditation. Term begins on September 26th. Booking is via Edinburgh Leisure www.joininedinburgh.org/currie
- WEDNESDAYS - West Lothian - classes begin September 6th. All places booked by phoning or emailing me.
- Ability Centre Livingston - 13.15 - 14.30 - modified practices for wheelchair/chair users, including mantras, asanas, breathing practices and meditation
- St Mary's Hall, Livery Street, Bathgate EH48 4HS 16.45 - 18.15 - Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs course - 12 weeks, as above
- ChooseYOU Yoga and Wellness Centre 19.00 - 20.30 - general all-levels class with option to follow on into meditation group 20.35 - 21.15
- SUNDAY EVENINGS - monthly - discussion (satsang) and meditation practice in my home yoga room. By invitation only as the room is small.
COURSE - Introduction to Ayurveda, the Yogic System of Medicine - 5 weekends September 2017 - February 2018 - St Margaret's House, London Road Edinburgh. Starts very soon, September 9th and 10th. My input is teaching yoga as it interweaves, supports and is supported by good physical health from Ayurvedic living. Places available - contact Elizabeth Roberts on horsleyhill@gmail.com
VISITING TEACHER our beloved Swami Pragyamurti Saraswati returns to Dundee for a weekend seminar, 10 am - 4 pm each day, September 16th /17th. She will continue her theme from last year of Yoga and Tantric practices. Enquiries /book a place to Vedavanam on rrdwilde@gmail.com
Hope to see you at class!
Phone: 07966573804