We are currently inundated with information about what is being described as the almost wartime challenge presented to us by Coronavirus and I'm not about to add to it. Initially there was no requirement or suggestion to cancel small gatherings such as a yoga class but the advice has now changed.
As a result, with regret but unhesitatingly in the circumstances, I have suspended all my classes and seminars and the home meditation group from 17th March 2020. I hope to resume when it is safe to do so. I will send out by email suggested practice plans to the various student groups. And perhaps (only perhaps) I'll be able to overcome my technophobia and find ways of teaching online.
Stay well everyone; remember yoga practice begins with kindness to ourselves and generates outwards from there.
Here's a copy of the great healing mantra the Mahamitrunjaya - maybe you'd like to chant or say it on a daily basis for healing, power, transformation, immunity and strength:
Begin by chanting the mantra AUM 3 times then
OM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI (at the end of however many rounds you're reciting)
We pay homage to the universal consciousness which nourishes all beings. May we be liberated from ignorance through knowledge of our immortal essence, just as the cucumber is severed from the bondage of the vine.
Translation by Swami Niranjanananda